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"That's Chiny writin'," said Sandy Grundy, peering over Hondo's shoulder. "You're off your kazip," declared another of the gang, an effective youth, covered with silk handkerchiefs and nickel plating. "That's shorthand. I see 'em do it once in court." "Ach, no, no, no dot is German," said Fritz. "It is no more as a little girl writing a letter to her mamma.

"That's Chiny writin'," said Sandy Grundy, peering over Hondo's shoulder. "You're off your kazip," declared another of the gang, an effective youth, covered with silk handkerchiefs and nickel plating. "That's shorthand. I see 'em do it once in court." "Ach, no, no, no dot is German," said Fritz. "It is no more as a little girl writing a letter to her mamma.

"You ought to be ashamed of yourself," said Hondo Bill to the mail-carrier in solemn tones, "to be packing around such a lot of old, trashy paper as this. What d'you mean by it, anyhow? Where do you Dutchers keep your money at?" The Ballinger mail sack opened like a cocoon under Hondo's knife. It contained but a handful of mail.

"You ought to be ashamed of yourself," said Hondo Bill to the mail- carrier in solemn tones, "to be packing around such a lot of old, trashy paper as this. What d'you mean by it, anyhow? Where do you Dutchers keep your money at?" The Ballinger mail sack opened like a cocoon under Hondo's knife. It contained but a handful of mail.