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We had seen him win mothers to his war point of view after they had fought passionately for him and his peace program at election time. He had taken pains to lead men and women influential and obscure to his way of thinking. I do not condemn him-I respect him for being able to do this. The point is that he dirt overcome obstacles when his heart and head were set to the task.

"It is the beginning of the end. It will crush him-I saw it in his eyes. God of Israel, I shall rule again in Egypt!" It was a great day in the Muslim year. The Mahmal, or Sacred Carpet, was leaving Cairo on its long pilgrimage of thirty-seven days to Mecca and Mahomet's tomb.

It is the knave who can most naturally affect surprise and regret when it suits his purposes, and Mr. Snivel is well learned in the art. "True!" he says, "as I'm a Christian. Well, I had made a man of him-I don't regret it, for I always liked him-and this is the end of the poor fellow, eh?" Turning to McArthur, he adds, rather unconcernedly: "You know somewhat of him?"

"It is the beginning of the end. It will crush him-I saw it in his eyes. God of Israel, I shall rule again in Egypt!" It was a great day in the Muslim year. The Mahmal, or Sacred Carpet, was leaving Cairo on its long pilgrimage of thirty-seven days to Mecca and Mahomet's tomb.