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Signor Cesarini returned their salutations with a mixture of bashfulness and hauteur, half-awkward and half-graceful, and muttering some inaudible greeting, sank into a seat and appeared instantly lost in reverie. Maltravers gazed upon him, and was pleased with his aspect which, if not handsome, was strange and peculiar.

Signor Cesarini returned their salutations with a mixture of bashfulness and /hauteur/, half-awkward and half-graceful, and muttering some inaudible greeting, sank into a seat and appeared instantly lost in reverie. Maltravers gazed upon him, and was pleased with his aspect which, if not handsome, was strange and peculiar.

When he opened the newspapers and found the advertisements of the flats, she saw the engaging, half-awkward humorousness come into his eyes. "Here's one that would do all right," he said "four rooms and a bath, eleventh floor, thirty-five dollars a month." He spread the newspaper on the table and rested on his elbow, gazing at it for a few minutes wholly absorbed.

In this smooth, young body quivering with anticipation of the coolness of the water; in these rounded, slender limbs with their long, firm, supple lines; in the unconscious, half-awkward grace of attitude and in the glory of sunlight splashing through the shadow of the willows, there is a whole song of joy and youth and the goodness of the world.