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"Weel, Miss Daisy, it depends on the haighth of the roots ye must even try and see till ye get it deep enough; but whatever ye do, keep the crown of the plant above ground." "And what is the crown of the plant, Logan?" Logan stooped down and put his fingers to the stem of a rose tree.

Then he shouldered his pack, took up his rifle, looked up at the cloudy and blustering sky, and pushed up the hill, still talking to himself, and saying: "A little boy of about his haighth and bigness ain't a bad thing to take."

"The sun won't be a great haighth by the time we get there," said Philetus in a cynical manner; "and I ha'n't took the first thing to-day!" "Well who has?" said the doctor; "you ain't the only one. Follow your nose down hill, Mr. Skillcorn, and it'll smell supper directly. Now, my dear Miss Ringgan! will you?"

Might I propose that you should just bear your weight on this wood-sled, and let my oxen and me have the honour The cup of coffee, I am confident, would be at your lips considerably earlier " "The sun wont be a great haighth by the time we get there," said Philetus, in a cynical manner; "and I ha'n't took the first thing to-day!" "Well, who has?" said the doctor; "you aint the only one.

"Weel, Miss Daisy, it depends on the haighth of the roots ye must even try and see till ye get it deep enough; but whatever ye do, keep the crown of the plant above ground." "And what is the crown of the plant, Logan?" Logan stooped down, and put his fingers to the stem of a rose tree.