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"Well, Goold Bonds ended up in th' coal cellar, an' they was a cab'net council f'r to see what was to be done. 'Sind f'r Doctor Heinegagubler, says th' Sicrety iv War. 'He's wan iv th' gr-reatest surgeons iv our time, he says, 'an' can cure annything fr'm pips to glanders, he says. Th' famous Doctor Honeycooler was summoned.

His wife was a common scold an' led him th' life he desarved. They niver leave th' ladies out iv these stories iv th' gr-reat. A woman that marries a janius has a fine chance iv her false hair becomin' more immortal thin his gr-reatest deed.

He's wan iv th' gr-reatest prophets I know. A prophet, Hinnissy, is a man that foresees throuble. No wan wud listen a minyit to anny prophet that prophesized pleasant days.

They were a singularly badly mated couple, with a fam'ly iv fourteen childher, but he did not live long to enjoy his happiness. F'r some reason he niver left his house, but passed away within a month, one of th' gr-reatest men th' cinchry has projooced.

For the same reason a kitten won't come when she's called, I suppose." "Even though she wants to?" "Who knows what a kitten wants?" "It would give me the gr-reatest of pleasure, Miss Car-roll, to shake you!" "I don't doubt it." "It is such a hard blow to my vanity that you r-ran. See, I tr-ry to comfort myself in this question: Perhaps you did not know it was I whose horse you heard?"