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Moreover, the upper bend of the ocean, which cuts through Denmark and flows past it, washes the southern side of Gothland with a gulf of some width; while its lower channel, passing the northern sides of Gothland and Norway, turns eastwards, widening much in breadth, and is bounded by a curve of firm land. This limit of the sea the elders of our race called Grandvik.

The alteration in the text removes the ambiguity E. Cwenland and the Cwenas appear to refer to Lapmark, and its inhabitants, the Finlanders. Forst. See Sect. iii. p. 12, in which this place is supposed by Mr J. R. Forster to have been where Stockholm now is. Iraland obviously here means Scotland, with the Faro, Shetland, and Orkney islands. This is plainly the isle of Gothland.

In the centre of his hall grew an oak, the tall trunk of which passed through the roof, and its boughs spread far and wide in upper air. Into that hall, on a high feast day, when Signy, Volsung's daughter, was to be given away to Siggeir, King of Gothland, strode an old one-eyed guest. His feet were bare, his hose were of knitted linen, he wore a great striped cloak, and a broad flapping hat.