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Updated: January 24, 2025
It was, ostensibly, nothing but an oversized pocket lighter, just the sort of a thing a gadget-happy kid would carry around. It worked perfectly as a lighter, too, till you pushed in on a little gismo on the side. Then, instead of producing a flame, it squirted out a small jet of sleep gas. It would knock out a man; it would almost knock out a Zarathustra veldtbeest.
"Look; you gotta press this little gismo, here, to let the action shut when there's no clip in, or when the clip's empty. When you got a loaded clip in, you just pull back on this and let go " Frank Cardon looked at his watch, and saw that it was 1345, as it had been ten seconds before, when he had last looked.
They must be lightweight, easily assembled, and precision made, since it's going to have an electronic gismo inside for the projectile to 'home' on." Professor Hemmingwell grunted. "That electronic gismo, as you call it, is the real idea behind the whole operation." "How is that, Professor?" asked Devers. "Well, it works on this principle," began Hemmingwell.
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