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"You'd make a first class combined general-admiral, Captain Jack," declared Captain Glenn. Captain Jack smiled slowly. "I've had all this planned for many a day," he said quietly. "I didn't know when the Germans might declare war on me, and when they did I was determined to exterminate them."

On the very first day of their being in presence of the English fleet then but sixty-seven in number, and vastly their inferior in size and weight of metal they had lost the flag ships of the Guipuzcoan and of the Andalusian squadrons, with a general-admiral, 450 officers and, men, and some 100,000 ducats of treasure.

On the very first day of their being in presence of the English fleet then but sixty-seven in number, and vastly their inferior in size and weight of metal they had lost the flag ships of the Guipuzcoan and of the Andalusian squadrons, with a general-admiral, 450 officers and, men, and some 100,000 ducats of treasure.

On the very first day of their being in presence of the English fleet then but sixty-seven in number, and vastly their inferior in size and weight of metal they had lost the flagships of the Guipuzcoan and of the Andalusian squadrons, with a general-admiral, four hundred and fifty officers and men, and some one hundred thousand ducats of treasure.

To add to the confidence of the Cretans, at this juncture arrived the Russian frigate General-Admiral, Captain Boutakoff, who took a most important part in the subsequent development of the affair. I was never able to see that the Russian government did anything at that stage to stimulate the insurrection, though Boutakoff expressed in the most unreserved manner his sympathies.

On the very first day of their being in presence of the English fleet then but sixty-seven in number, and vastly their inferior in size and weight of metal they had lost the flag ships of the Guipuzcoan and of the Andalusian squadrons, with a general-admiral, 450 officers and, men, and some 100,000 ducats of treasure.

On the very first day of their being in presence of the English fleet then but sixty-seven in number, and vastly their inferior in size and weight of metal they had lost the flag ships of the Guipuzcoan and of the Andalusian squadrons, with a general-admiral, 450 officers and, men, and some 100,000 ducats of treasure.