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"Indeed, Galava's son, according to the ordinances laid down and having duly poured libations on the fire, accepted her hand and married her. On that night, she became a young lady of the fairest complexion, robed in celestial attire and decked in celestial ornaments and garlands and smeared with celestial unguents and perfumes.

And saying this, Garuda went away to his own abode, having obtained Galava's permission.

In this connection is cited an old story regarding Galava's having met with disgrace through obstinacy. In ancient times, in order to test Viswamitra, who was then engaged in ascetic austerities. Dharma personally came to him, having assumed the form of the Rishi, Vasishtha.

"Hearing these words of Narada, the old lady went to a concourse of Rishis and said, 'I shall give him half my penances who will accept my hand in marriage! After she had said those words, Galava's son, a rishi, known by the name of Sringavat, accepted her hand, having proposed this compact to her, 'With this compact, O beautiful lady, I shall accept thy hand, that thou shalt live with me for only one night! Having agreed to that compact, she gave him her hand.

My sole desire is that I may have a daughter's son by her." Accepting that daughter in gift, Galava then, with Garuda, went away, saying, "We will again see thee". And they took that maiden with them. And Galava's oviparous friend addressed him, saying, "The means have at last been obtained whereby the steeds may be obtained."

Beholding her blazing with beauty, Galava's son became very happy and passed one night in her company. "At morn she said unto him, 'The compact, O Brahmana, I had made with thee, hath been fulfilled, O foremost of ascetics!