Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: September 11, 2024
Don't forget the word Aldershot; and oh, keep a very sharp lookout for boats, for that's the only way an enemy can approach the campong Eh, what?" said the Sergeant, in response to a growl. "What shall I do, Sergeant, if one of them big evats comes at me? Am I to fire?" "Fire? No! What for? Want to alarm the camp?" "No, Sergeant.
Peter looked at Tom, and then wrung his hands in despair. "Dirty work beastly work!" muttered Trebooze. "Nothing but slugs and evats! Toads, too, hang the toads! What a plague brings all this vermin? Curse it!" shrieked he, springing back, "there's an adder! and he's gone up my sleeve! Help me! Doctor! Thurnall! or I'm a dead man!"
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