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Updated: January 5, 2025
He offered no greeting, but took out his Evangelistarium from the pocket of his cassock, and began to read in a low, calm voice. There was no sound in answer. The Archbishop turned over a few leaves. He read or quoted from memory, as passages occurred to him. When he had reached this point he made a pause. A deep sigh answered him, but no words.
Among these may be mentioned the superbly illuminated manuscript of the ninth century entitled "Evangelistarium," one of the finest existing productions of the revival of learning under Charlemagne; the "Sarum Missal," a richly-emblazoned manuscript of the tenth century; some choice Greek and Latin codices once belonging to the library of Pope Pius VI.; and the Persian manuscripts recently acquired, which formerly were in the library of the Mogul emperors at Delhi, bearing the stamp of Shah Akbar and Shah Jehan.
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