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Guarini has: Lascia, lascia le selve, Folle garzon, lascia le fere, ed ama. In the next scene, again modelled on the corresponding one in Tasso's play, we find Ergasto comforting Mirtillo in his despair at Amarilli's 'cruelty. Mirtillo has but recently arrived in Arcadia, and is ignorant of its history and customs, which Ergasto explains at length.

On February 28, 1592, Lord Strange's men performed a piece at the Rose, the title of which is given by Henslowe as 'clorys & orgasto, presumably Chloris and Ergasto. It was an old play, probably dating from some years earlier.

The next scene contains the history of Mirtillo's passion as narrated to his confidant. Ergasto has enlisted the services of Corisca, and the whole paraphernalia of love lead in the next act to an interview between Mirtillo and Amarilli.

Almost every character is provided with a confidant: Silvio has Linco; Mirtillo, Ergasto; Dorinda, Lupino; Carino , the supposed father of Mirtillo, has Uranio; Montano and Titiro act as confidants to one another.

Hereupon Ergasto enters with the news that Aminta has thrown himself from a cliff, and Silvia, now completely overcome, goes off with the intention of dying on the body of her dead lover. The shortness, as well as the dramatic weakness, of the fifth act is conspicuous even in proportion to the modest limits of the whole.