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The Havasupais, in the depths of their Canyon, grow the finest, largest and most tender corn in the world, peaches and figs galore, and all the ordinary vegetables. Boucher also has fruit and vegetables on the level near the river, on his trail. At Lee's Ferry also, Elder Emet has his gardens and orchards, as well as fine alfalfa fields.

I gave the ipecacuanha . Vin. emet. had failed; so had tartar emet. I dined at Mr. Myddleton's, of Gwaynynog. The house was a gentleman's house, below the second rate, perhaps below the third, built of stone roughly cut. The rooms were low, and the passage above stairs gloomy, but the furniture was good. The table was well supplied, except that the fruit was bad.

Emet. Fever-ball twice in the day. 23d. Breathing not quite so laborious. Will not eat. Medicine as before. Apply a blister on the chest. 24th. Nearly the same. Bol. utheri. 26th. Decided amendment. She breathes with much less difficulty. Less discharge both from eyes and nose. Bol. utheri. Nov. 7th. Sent home well. A singular and not uninstructive case came before me.

On the background of the prosiness of this work by Lebensohn, there stands out one passage of remarkable beauty, the prayer of Sekel beseeching God to liberate Emet. The triumph of Truth closes the drama. For Lebensohn, as for the whole school of the humanists of his time, the only thing that mattered was reason, and reason had to be shown all-sufficing to ensure the triumph of truth.