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The two communities, however, have an established custom to unite and pray together on the day of the Rejoicing of the Law, and on the day of the Giving of the Law . Among the Jews is Nethanel the Prince of Princes and the head of the Academy, who is the head of all the congregations in Egypt ; he appoints Rabbis and officials, and is attached to the court of the great King, who lives in his palace of Zoan el-Medina, which is the royal city for the Arabs.

Description of the towns and cities of the Interior, and those of the Kingdom of Fez. Seisouan. Wazen. Zawiat. Muley Dris. Sofru. Dubdu. Taza. Oushdah. Agla. Nakbila. Meshra. Khaluf. The Places distinguished in. Morocco, including Sous, Draka, and Tafilett. Tefza. Pitideb. Ghuer. Tyijet. Bulawan. Soubeit Meramer. El-Medina. Tagodast. Dimenet. Aghmat. Fronga. Tedmest. Tekonlet. Tesegdelt. Tagawost.

Of this number was the great sage Amenhetep, son of Hapi, the founder of the little desert temple of Dêr el-Medîna, near Dêr el-Bahari, who was a sort of prime minister under Amenhetep III, and was venerated in later days as a demigod. His statue was found with the others by M. Legrain. Among them is a figure made entirely of green felspar, an unusual material for so large a statuette.

El-Medina is a large walled populous city of merchants and artizans, and capital of the district of Haskowra; the men are seditious, turbulent and inhospitable; the women are reputed to be fair and pretty, but disposed, when opportunity offers, to confer their favours on strangers. There is another place four miles distant of nearly the same name.

On the opposite side of the river, is the village of Taboulaunt, peopled mostly with Jews and ferrymen. Soubeit is a very ancient city on the left bank of the Omm-Erbegh, surrounded with walls, and situate twenty miles from El-Medina in a mountainous region abounding with hares; it is inhabited by a tribe of the same name, or probably Sbeita, which is also the name of a tribe south of Tangier.

Loat and Ayrton, who discovered there a shrine devoted to the worship of fish. This work was carried on at the same time as Prof. Petrie's main excavation for the Egypt Exploration Fund at Annas, or Ahnas-yet el-Medina, the site of the ancient Henensu, the Herakleopolis of the Greeks. Prof.