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But after he had already stretched out his hand to turn the knob, he paused and slowly resumed his place in the middle of the room. "Who is in the antechamber, besides?" he asked. "Your highness, there are also without the gentlemen whom you summoned to an audience, the Chamberlain von Schulenburg, Herr von Kroytz, Herr von Kospoth, and the jeweler Dusnack." "Those gentlemen may wait.

As soon as the times become somewhat more tranquil, we, too, will have need of goods of that sort, for not long since all the jewels of our house were stolen. But I tell you, Master Dusnack, we shall only buy such things as have been designed and executed at home. Therefore exert yourself, and procure good workmen.

Baron von Leuchtmar, I have much to discuss with you, and I summoned you here for important consultations, but stay a man is without whom I can keep waiting no longer, for his time is valuable, and he who makes a workman wait robs him of his capital. I beg you, Leuchtmar, to open the door and call the jeweler Dusnack." Leuchtmar hastened to obey this order.

"Well, Master Dusnack," exclaimed Frederick William to the approaching jeweler, "have you brought us, as directed, a few seal rings, from which to make our selection?" "Here they are, your Electoral Highness," replied the jeweler, holding out a little box and handing it open to the Elector.