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Gibbie Glossin! that I have carried in my creels a hundred times, for his mother wasna muckle better than mysell he to presume to buy the barony of Ellangowan! Gude be wi' us it is an awfu' warld! I wished him ill but no sic a downfa' as a' that neither wae's me! wae's me to think o't!"

Gibbie Glossin! that I have carried in my creels a hundred times, for his mother wasna muckle better than mysell he to presume to buy the barony of Ellangowan! Gude be wi' us; it is an awfu' warld! I wished him ill; but no sic a downfa' as a' that neither.

Andrew saw a look on her face that amazed and troubled him: and yet when she sat so hopelessly down before the fire, and without fear or apology "Let the tears downfa'," he had no heart to reprove her. Nay, he asked with a very unusual concern, "What's the matter, Mysie, woman?" "I want to see Davie, and die, gudeman!"

Gibbie Glossin! that I have carried in my creels a hundred times, for his mother wasna muckle better than mysell he to presume to buy the barony of Ellangowan! Gude be wi' us; it is an awfu' warld! I wished him ill; but no sic a downfa' as a' that neither.

Gibbie Glossin! that I have carried in my creels a hundred times, for his mother wasna muckle better than mysell he to presume to buy the barony of Ellangowan! Gude be wi' us; it is an awfu' warld! I wished him ill; but no sic a downfa' as a' that neither.