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For several days together a dark cloud, tinged with blood-red, had been seen to hang over Valencia. In the neighbourhood of Daroca, a din of, drums and trumpets and the clang of arms had been heard in the sky, just as a procession went out of a monastery. At Valencia the image of the Virgin had shed tears. In another place her statue had been discovered in a state of profuse perspiration.

He proclaimed a holy crusade against the Christians each year, and was buried in the dust of fifty campaigns, for after every battle he used to shake off the soil from his garments into a chest which he carried about with him for that purpose. In Aragon the situation of Daroca, in the fertile basin of the Jiloca, is very picturesque.

And from thence he did much harm to the Moors of Medina and of the country round about; and he made Daroca pay tribute, and Molina also, which is on the other side, and Teruel also, and Celfa de Canal, and all the country along the river Martin. And the news went to the King of Zaragoza, and it neither pleased the King nor his people. XIII. Ever after was that knoll called the Knoll of the Cid.

For several days together a dark cloud, tinged with blood-red, had been seen to hang over Valencia. In the neighbourhood of Daroca, a din of, drums and trumpets and the clang of arms had been heard in the sky, just as a procession went out of a monastery. At Valencia the image of the Virgin had shed tears. In another place her statue had been discovered in a state of profuse perspiration.

For several days together a dark cloud, tinged with blood-red, had been seen to hang over Valencia. In the neighbourhood of Daroca, a din of, drums and trumpets and the clang of arms had been heard in the sky, just as a procession went out of a monastery. At Valencia the image of the Virgin had shed tears. In another place her statue had been discovered in a state of profuse perspiration.

Then my guide-book would go on to tell of the way in which to make men pleasant to you according to their climate and country; of how you must not hurry the people of Aragon, and how it is your duty to bargain with the people of Catalonia; and how it is impossible to eat at Daroca; and how careful one must be with gloomy men who keep inns at the very top of glens, especially if they are silent, under Cheviot.

For several days together a dark cloud, tinged with blood-red, had been seen to hang over Valencia. In the neighbourhood of Daroca, a din of, drums and trumpets and the clang of arms had been heard in the sky, just as a procession went out of a monastery. At Valencia the image of the Virgin had shed tears. In another place her statue had been discovered in a state of profuse perspiration.