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"I say I blush to say that this wretched young man is my son-in-law," declared the Countess. As she had come to the house inquiring merely for Lord Tulliwuddle, and been conducted straight to the prisoner's cell, the stupefying effect of this announcement may readily be conceived. "What!" ejaculated the Dariuses. "It is not true! She is mad!

"And between ourselves, as nature's gentleman to nature's gentleman, you may assure Miss Maddison that there is not the remotest likelihood of this scheming Miss Gallosh ever becoming my friend's bride!" The two Dariuses were sensibly affected by this assurance. "As nature's gentleman to nature's gentleman!" repeated the elder with unction, wringing his hand.

The millionaire answered with a grave, shrewd look, and his daughter, as if perfectly grasping the situation, led the Galloshes out to inspect the new fir forest. And then the two noblemen and the two Dariuses faced one another over their cigars. "Well, gentlemen," said Mr. Maddison, "pleasure is pleasure, and business is business.