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"Cum prorepserunt primis animalia terris, Mutum et turpe pecus, glandem atque cubilia propter, Unguibus et pugnis, dein fustibus, atque its porro Pugnabaut armis, quæ post fabricaverat usus." Hor. Sat. lib. i. s. 3.

'Vestibulum ante ipsum, primisque in faucibus orci, Luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Pallentesque habitant Morbi, tristisque Senectus, Et metus, et malesuada Fames, et turpis Egestas, Terribiles visu formae; Lethumque, Laborque . I proposed to him to dictate an essay on it, and offered to write it. He said, he would not do it then, but perhaps would write one at some future period.

Delay would have been expensive without use, as the debt was too considerable for payment or bail: I, therefore, suffered myself to be immediately conducted to gaol. Vestibulum ante ipsum, primisque in faucibus Orci, Luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia cureae: Pallentesque habitant morbi, tristisque senectus, Et metus, et malesuada fames, et turpis egestas. VIRG. AEn. vi. 273.

It was an honour which seemed to wait for you, to lead out a New Colony of Writers from the Mother Nation; and, upon the first spreading of your ensigns, there had been many in a readiness to have followed so fortunate a Leader; if not all, yet the better part of writers. Pars, indocili melior grege, mollis et expes Inominata perprimat cubilia.