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"Wot an 'orrible thing it is to be woke out o' a comf'r'able sleep." Just as he spoke the lighthouse received a blow so tremendous that all the men started and looked at each other for a moment in surprise. "I say, is it warranted to stand anything?" enquired Ruby seriously. "I hope it is," replied the smith, "else it'll be a blue lookout for us. But we don't often get such a rap as that.

"Wot an 'orrible thing it is to be woke out o' a comf'r'able sleep." Just as he spoke the lighthouse received a blow so tremendous that all the men started and looked at each other for a moment in surprise. "I say, is it warranted to stand anything?" enquired Ruby seriously. "I hope it is," replied the smith, "else it'll be a blue lookout for us. But we don't often get such a rap as that.

At the same moment a powerful black hand grasped the nape of his neck. "Come now, sar, you go 'long quiet an' comf'r'able an' nobody hurt you. Dis way. Das a sweet little chamber for de naughty boys." With a force that there was no resisting Ebony pushed the prince into a small room with a very small window. The door was shut, the key turned, and the danger was past!

Thus adjured, and with curiosity somewhat excited, Mrs Mooney suffered herself to be led to that temperance coffee-tavern in Gorleston to which we have already referred. "Ain't it comf'r'able?" asked the boy, as his companion gazed around her. "Now then, missis," he said to the attendant, with the air of an old frequenter of the place, "coffee and wittles for two hot.