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Spontaneous recoveries occur and such cases are reported by Bouley who is quoted by Cadiot as having observed division of the tendo Achillis due to a sword wound wherein at the end of four months recovery was complete. Division of this tendon in brood mares has been practiced by the early settlers of parts of the United States for the purpose of preventing their straying too far from home.

A very practical and fairly successful method of treatment consists in the aspiration of a quantity of synovia and injecting tincture of iodin. Cadiot recommends the drainage of synovia with a suitable trocar and cannula and injecting a mixture consisting of tincture of iodin, one part, to two parts of sterile water, to which is added a small quantity of potassium iodid.

In the meanwhile, cases are to be handled as though tibial fracture certainly existed. Prognosis. Prediction of the outcome in tibial fracture is somewhat presumptuous, but in the majority of cases in mature subjects fatality results. Cadiot , however, views this condition with more optimism than have American practitioners.

The outer splint extends from the hoof to the stifle and the inner one from the hoof to the upper third of the leg. This method in the hands of Leblanc has been successful in several instances, according to Cadiot.

Möller states that moderate exercise or work stimulates the establishment of collateral circulation. Massage per rectum is condemned as dangerous by Cadiot. Fracture of the Patella. Etiology and Occurrence. Patellar fractures are rarely met with in the horse but may be caused by falls and heavy contusions. Violent muscular contraction, it is said, may also bring about the same condition.