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The rascals! I can see their brass-plates gleaming over scores of doors. Competition will ruin my professions, as it has all others. It must be premised that the two professions are intended for gentlemen, and gentlemen only men of birth and education. No others could support the parts which they will be called upon to play.

The word thrift perched right up on the roof in giant gilt letters, and two enormous shield-like brass-plates curved round the corners on each side of the doorway were the only shining spots in de Barral's business outfit.

There are more brass-plates to the acre in the thoroughfares which diverge from Collins Street than could be found in any other city of the world.

The word THRIFT perched right up on the roof in giant gilt letters, and two enormous shield-like brass-plates curved round the corners on each side of the doorway were the only shining spots in de Barral's business outfit.

She rode on a fine horse, whose trappings were of the first order for this semi-civilized country; the head of the horse was ornamented with brass-plates, the neck with brass bells, and charms sewed in various coloured leather, such as red, green, and yellow; a scarlet breast-piece, with a brass plate in the centre; scarlet saddle-cloth, trimmed with lace.

The number in Bruton Street indicated a tall, thin house with four bell-pushes and four narrow brass-plates on its door-jamb.