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Only Heaven's mercy kept her from swooning outright, for she knew Jasper Wilde would recognize her as soon as he came abreast of her. This proved to be the case. "Bernardine Moore!" he shouted, hardly believing he had seen aright. For one moment of time he was taken so completely by surprise that he was quite incapable of action, and in that moment Bernardine's horse was many rods past him.

"Only a few days more," he said, sadly. "I will come here for another week, and then the darkness of death will begin for me, for the girl who holds me in such galling chains will return to the city." Why should he not see Bernardine for another week? It would not harm her, and it would be his last gleam of happiness. At this time another suitor for Bernardine's hand appeared upon the scene.

Her musings were interrupted by the sound of a haughty voice saying: "Are you Miss Bernardine Moore?" By this time Bernardine's eyes had become accustomed to the dim, uncertain light.

He had no appetite, and pushed away the plate with his food untouched, despite Bernardine's earnest efforts to induce him to eat something. He watched her deft fingers in silence as she cleared the table at length, washed and dried the dishes and put them away, and tidied the little room.