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We have no objection to quoting from the Veddas, the Avestas, the Koran or the Bible; nor do we hesitate to admire and enjoy and praise generously the ravishingly beautiful utterances of the poets and prophets of all times and climes.

In some countries, both are female. I can find no instance in which both are male. Hindoos and Aztecs alike, at one time, said that Luna was male and often that the sun was female. The fact that among the Persians the moon as well as the sun was at a certain period regarded as a source of procreative energy and as influencing the generative processes, is shown by various passages in the Avestas.

"Happy shall he be that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones." No one I think can read the Avestas without being impressed by the prominence there given to the subjects of temperance and virtue.

Later the term was enlarged to cover the great literary works of other ancient nations; so that the Bible and the Avestas, as well as the Iliad and the Aeneid, are called classics. Every national literature has at least one period in which an unusual number of great writers are producing books, and this is called the classic period of a nation's literature.