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It was unsuited to the state of things that physicians, whose philosophical tendencies inclined them to the pagan party, should be any longer endured. Their education in the Asclepions imparted to them ideas in opposition to the new policy.

The Nestorians, their Persecutions, and the Diffusion of their Sectarian Ideas. They inherit the old Greek Medicine. Sub-digression on Greek Medicine. The Asclepions. Philosophical Importance of Hippocrates, who separates Medicine from Religion. The School of Cnidos. Its Suppression by Constantine. Sub-digression on Egyptian Medicine. It is founded on Anatomy and Physiology.

But, noble as were these charities, they laboured under an essential defect in having substituted for educated physicians well-meaning but unskilful ecclesiastics. The destruction of the Asclepions was not attended by any suitably extensive measures for insuring professional education.

Scarcely were the Asclepions closed, the schools of philosophy prohibited, the libraries dispersed or destroyed, learning branded as magic or punished as treason, philosophers driven into exile and as a class exterminated, when it became apparent that a void had been created which it was incumbent on the victors to fill.

It does not appear that any fee was exacted for the celestial advice; but the gratitude of the patient was frequently displayed by optional gifts, and votive tablets presented to the temple, setting forth the circumstances of the case, were of value to those disposed to enter on medical studies. The Asclepions thus became both hospitals and schools.

The intellectual Development of the Arabians is guided by the Nestorians and the Jews, and is in the Medical Direction. The Basis of this Alliance is theological. Antagonism of the Byzantine System to Scientific Medicine. Suppression of the Asclepions. Their Replacement by Miracle-cure. The resulting Superstition and Ignorance. Affiliation of the Arabians with the Nestorians and Jews. 1st.