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Updated: August 4, 2024
Cyrena obovata, Sowerby; fossil. Anodonta Cordierii; D'Orbigny; fossil. Anodonta latimarginata; recent. Unio littoralis. Lamarck; recent. Almost all bivalve shells, or those of acephalous mollusca, are marine, about sixteen only out of 140 genera being fresh-water.
It has indeed been suggested that by far the greater part of the deposits belonging to what may be termed the Old Red Sandstone type are of fresh-water origin. The number of land- plants, the character of the fishes, and the fact that the only shell yet discovered belongs to the genus Anodonta, must be allowed to lend no small countenance to this opinion.
Anodonta Jukesii, Forbes. Bifurcating branch of Lepidodendron Griffithsii, Brongn. Palaeopteris Hibernica, Schimp.
Arenas thinks that the ancient annals of the Chinese probably contain information relative to the settlement of the present inhabitants of Manila, as that people had early intercourse with the Archipelago. Probably the Anodonta Purpurea, according to V. Martens. 1 ganta = 3 liters. 1 quiñon = 100 lo
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