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And, again inversely, cyamelide can be converted into cyanuric acid and hydrated cyanic acid. We have three other bodies which pass through similar changes, in aldehyde, metaldehyde, and etaldehyde; and, again two, in urea and cyanuret of ammonia. Further, 100 parts of aldehyde hydrated butyric acid and acetic ether contain the same elements in the same proportion.

To Le Dantec, the difference between the quick and the dead is of the same order as the difference which exists between two chemical compounds for example, as that which exists between alcohol and an aldehyde, a liquid that has two less atoms of hydrogen in its composition.

Agitate distillate with dry potassium carbonate, and draw off some of the supernatant fluid for testing. Tests. Odour. Dissolves camphor. With dilute sulphuric acid and bichromate of potassium turns green, and evolves aldehyde. Product of combustion makes lime-water white and turbid. =Methyl Alcohol: Wood Naphtha.= Used to produce intoxication by painters, furniture-polishers, etc.

Hop-bitter acid appears to possess the character of an aldehyde and of a weak acid; for the present I am not in a position to state its constitution more clearly. Most of the oxidizing processes have an energetic effect on it, forming also considerable quantities of valerianic acid.