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Colonel Barttelot did not loom large in the Parliament of 1868-74, though he was always ready to do sentry duty on nights when the House was in Committee on the Army Estimates. When Disraeli was going out of office he made the Colonel a baronet, a distinction the more honourable to both since Colonel Barttelot, though a loyal Conservative, was never a party hack.

It is still indispensable to the scholar, though not free from pedantries. Contemporaneous with this work of critical scholarship was the cheaper and more popular edition of Boxberger and Maltzahn, published by Hempel in Berlin Schillers Werke, nach den vorzueglichsten Quellen revidierte Ausgabe, 16 parts in 6 vols., 1868-74, which, though unsightly, is valuable for its introductions and notes.

After holding the offices of Pres. of the Board of Trade, Colonial Sec., and Chancellor of the Exchequer, he attained the position of Prime Minister, which he held four times 1868-74, 1880-85, 1885-86, and 1892-93.

The period which followed the election of 1868 the period of the Gladstone Administration of 1868-74 has been called "the Golden age of Liberalism." It was certainly a period of great reforms. The first, the most heroic, and probably taking all the results into account the most completely successful of these, was the disestablishment of the Irish Church.