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Spence hat hierbei einen seltsamen Einfall (Polymetis Dial. VIII. p. 102.): This Diana, sagt er, both in the picture and in the descriptions, was the Diana Venatrix, tho' she was not represented either by Virgil, or Apelles, or Homer, as hunting with her nymphs; bot as employed with them in that sort of dances, which of old were regarded as very solemn acts of devotion. In seiner Anmerkung fÜgt er hinzu: The expression of paizein, used by Homer on this occasion, is scarce proper for hunting; as that of, choros exercere in Virgil, should be understood of the religious dances of old, because dancing, in the old Roman idea of it, was indecent even for men, in public; unless it were the sort of dances used in honour of Mars, or Bacchus, or some other of their gods. Spence will n

Come on board our safely-anchored brig, And join us dancing a jolly jig. Ei, jetzt noch nicht, es ist nicht spät. Wir kommen bald, jetzt trinkt nur fort. Und, wenn Ihr wollt, so tanzt dazu, Nur lasst dem müden Nachbar Ruh’! Plenty o’ time for dance and sport, Now that safely you’re in port. Juchhe! Juchhe! da giebt’s die Fülle! Ihr lieben Nachbarn, habet Dank! Hurrah! We have enough for all.

=Tanz=, m. -e, -es, Tänze, dance. =tanzen=, imp. tanzte, p.p. getanzt, to dance. =Tanzen=, n. dancing. =Tanzlust=, f. pleasure of the dance. =Tanzmusik=, f. dance music. =tanzte=, see tanzen. =tauchte ... auf=, see auftauchen. =tausend=, one thousand. =tausendmal=, thousand times. =teilte ... aus=, see austeilen. =Teller=, m. -s, plate. =Thal=, n. -es, Thäler, valley. =that=, did, see thun.