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When they take their departure, the same ceremony is repeated outside the ... Gate... "The formal reception by the king ... is equally intricate and complicated, and comprises the grovelling on the ground by his majesty, three knocks of the head, and the shouting out standing up of the words: "Live for ever" ..., with his hands reverently raised to his forehead.

The roads are swept clean and guarded to prevent traffic or passage while the royal cortége is moving. All doors must be shut and the owner of each house is obliged to kneel before his threshold with a broom and dust-pan in his hands as emblems of obeisance. All Windows, especially the upper ones, must be sealed with slips of paper, lest some one should look down upon his majesty.

Maar een trotsch gevoel is het, te zien, hoe het geheele verkeer stop staat... voor Ons...; zoo iets als de bekende plaat van »His Majesty, the Baby«. Enkele burgers, die mij herkenden, wisten, dat zij niet groeten mochten, daar het ons verboden is een groet te beantwoorden. Alleen E., een automobiel-luitenant, groette mij vriendelijk. Mijn sergeant fronste de wenkbrauwen.