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He would not accept the property left him by those who had children. He also set aside a legacy bequeathed by the will of Ruscus Caepio, who had ordered "his heir to make a present yearly to each of the senators upon their first assembling."

The rate does not seem governed by the thickness of the shoots: those of the Sollya are as thin and flexible as string, but move more slowly than the thick and fleshy shoots of the Ruscus, which seem little fitted for movement of any kind. The shoots of the Wistaria, which become woody, move faster than those of the herbaceous Ipomoea or Thunbergia.

These flowers are small and of a pale greenish color and yield small stone-fruits, with a thin coating of pulpy tissue. As the name indicates, this mode of flowering is closely similar to that of Ruscus, which however, does not bear its flowers and berries on real leaves, but on leaflike expansions of the twigs.

Increase is readily obtained either from root suckers or by layering. RUSCUS ACULEATUS. Butcher's Broom, Pettigree and Pettigrue. This is a native evergreen shrub, with rigid cladodes which take the place of leaves, and not very showy greenish flowers appearing about May.

Hooker that at Kew the Ruscus androgynus has ascended a column 9 inches in diameter; and although a Wistaria grown by me in a small pot tried in vain for weeks to get round a post between 5 and 6 inches in thickness, yet at Kew a plant ascended a trunk above 6 inches in diameter. The tropical twiners, on the other hand, can ascend thicker trees; I hear from Drs.