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Updated: August 13, 2024

At his cuming to facland he learnit that his Matie was a huntting, quhair eftir brekfast he addrest him self. My lord being at dennar Andro Hendirsone cwmes and sayis to his Lordship that the kingis Matie was cummand. My lord . . . quhat his Matie . . . his hienes was.

The first to be asked their opinion by the King were the Scottish bishops and councillors, who answered promptly and unanimously that 'they had ever damnit that Assembly. Turning from them to the eight brethren, and addressing their chief the man above all others whom James sought to entrap: "Now, Siris," sayis the King, "quhat say ye, and first Mr. Andro Melvill?"

As for my lordis pairt if yor Lordship knew how weill he was trainit be Mr Robert Rollok ane of the godliest men in Scotland at scoolis, and quhat testificatioun of gude inclinacioun and behaviour he had ressauit fra him yor honor wald hardlie beleue him a traitor.

Quhat better is the house that the Daw rises in the morning. Quha may wooe, but Cost? Quhen the well is full, it will run over. Quhair the Deer is slain, some bloud will lie. Quhom God will help, no man can hinder. Quhen the eye sees not, the heart rewes not. Quhen friends meets, hearts warms. Quhen I am dead, make me a caddel. Quhair the Pig breaks, let the shels lie.

And he but daunger till him gais: Bot fra he tauld him quhat he wais, He gret for joy, and for pite; And him rycht till his houss had he; Quhar in a chambre priuely He held him, and his cumpany, That nane had off him persaving. Off mete, and drynk, and othyr thing, That mycht thuim eyss, thai had plente.

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