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Jam redit et virgo, redeunt Saturnia regna.... Alter erit tum Tiphys, et altera quæ vehat Argo Delectos heroas; erunt quoque altera bella, Atque iterum ad Troiam magnus mittetur Achilles.

Virgil uses this idea in his Fourth Eclogue, where he meditates a return of the Golden Age: Alter erit tum Tiphys, et altera quae uehat Argo Delectos heroas; erunt etiam altera bella, Atque iterum ad Troiam magnus mittetur Achilles.

And if any particular state of the entire universe could ever recur a second time, all subsequent states would return too, and history would, like a circulating decimal of many figures, periodically repeat itself: Jam redit et virgo, redeunt Saturnia regna.... Alter erit tum Tiphys, et altera quæ vehat Argo Delectos heroas; erunt quoque altera bella, Atque iterum ad Trojam magnus mittetur Achilles.

Alter erit jam TETHYS, et altera quae vehat ARGO Dilectos Heroas. Upon the 25th day of this month, the fulfilling of this Prediction will be manifest to everybody. This is the furthest I have proceeded in my calculations for the present year. I do not pretend that these are all the great events which will happen in this period; but that those I have set down will infallibly come to pass.

In 1638, at the age of nine and twenty, Milton has already determined that this lifework shall be a poem, an epic poem, and that its subject shall probably be the Arthurian legend. Si quando indigenas revocabo in carmina regea, Arturumque etiam sub terris bella moventem, Aut dicam invictae sociali foedere mensae Magnanimos heroas, et, o modo spiritus adsit!