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None of the tropical plants that have come into prominence in gardening, during the past ten or twelve years, are nearly as effective as this easily-grown annual, whose seeds sell at five cents a package. For a very prominent location on the lawn or anywhere about the home-grounds no better plant could be selected.

Flowers on the sides of the young branches, small, greenish-white, short-lived; they are developed in September, and are succeeded by white berries, exactly like those of the Mistletoe, whence the name Mistletoe Cactus, by which this species is known. An interesting and easily-grown warm greenhouse plant, native of tropical America, Africa, &c. It was introduced in 1758. Mag. 3763.

An easily-grown plant, sturdy, rather straggling, but very free-flowering. In old specimens the branches become semi-pendulous. It grows best when kept in a warm house. Syn. R. grandiflora. Mag. 6089. Stems long, graceful, branching freely, round and twig-like, or with broad wings, as in Phyllocactus. Winged or flattened portions notched, and bearing a flower in each notch.