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In one tent, they searched Drachart's box, and carried every thing off, taking also his hat along with them. Without uttering any reproachful complaint, the missionary went to some of the older people, and said, "Now I have got no hat to skreen me from the sun."

He then bound a strap of leather round Drachart's arm, at the same time saying, "We love thee much!" and laying his right hand on Drachart's breast, continued, "This band on thy arm shall from henceforth be a sign that our love shall never cease. I have not forgot what I heard of the Lord in heaven, and I long to hear more."

Drachart's remarkable conversation with the natives influence of the missionaries in preserving peace their religious communications with the savages the curiosity of the latter their thievish tricks their kindness to the missionaries a dreadful storm. Drachart and Haven entertained by an Angekok his incantations their parting addresses to each other the missionaries return to London.

The conjurer himself did not, however, appear inclined for repose: falling into an ecstacy he first sung with his wives, then muttered some unintelligible jargon, made strange gestures, blew and foamed at the mouth, twisted his limbs and body together as if convulsed, throwing himself into every possible posture; and at intervals emitting the most frightful shrieks, then again he held his hand on Drachart's face, who was next him, and concluded the first act of his demoniacal pantomime by groaning out, "Now is my Torngak come!"