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But there is another objection to this denomination the "Free Church" have no peculiar and separate Confession of Faith. Nobody knows what are their credenda what they hold indispensable for fellow-membership, either as to faith in mysteries or in moral doctrines.

For what He tells us here that we are to train ourselves and others in, is not creed but conduct; not things to be believed or credenda but things to be done or agenda 'teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. A creed that is not wrought out in actions is empty; conduct that is not informed, penetrated, regulated by creed, is unworthy of a man, not to say of a Christian.

These acted more as impulses than as doctrines; for Shintoism, unlike the Mediaeval Christian Church, prescribed to its votaries scarcely any credenda, furnishing them at the same time with agenda of a straightforward and simple type. As to strictly ethical doctrines, the teachings of Confucius were the most prolific source of Bushido.

I shall best communicate the state of my faith by taking the creed, or system of credenda, common to all the Fathers of the Reformation overlooking, as non-essential, the differences between the several Reformed Churches, according to the five main classes or sections into which the aggregate distributes itself to my apprehension.