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Here also excavations have brought to light several different hearths; and in many of the most ancient kitchen-middings in the valley of the Tigris were found crouching skeletons, proving that here too the home had become the tomb. Similar deposits are by no means rare in France. M. du Chatellier mentions one in Brittany, which he estimates as 325 cubic feet in size.

Next year, however, Siemens, who was not to be disheartened, made another attempt with a large furnace erected at the Montlucon Works, in France, where he was assisted by the late M. le Chatellier, Inspecteur-General des Mines. Some charges of steel were produced; but here again the roof of the furnace melted down, and the company which had undertaken the trials gave them up.

M. du Chatellier speaks of several megalithic monuments in Finistere, including a central dolmen and several lateral chambers. The chambered graves at Park Cwn in Wales, and at Uley in Gloucestershire, contain side chambers, those of the former with a covered passage between them, whilst in the latter the side chambers are grouped round a central apartment.

"SETTING" OF GYPSUM. This setting is the result of two distinct, though simultaneous, phenomena. On the one hand, portions of anhydrous calcium sulphate, when moistened with water, dissolve as they are hydrated, forming a supersaturated solution. On the other hand, this same solution deposits crystals of the hydrated sulphate, gradually augment in bulk, and unite together. H. Le Chatellier.

At Plouharnel, two golden amulets were found beneath a triple dolmen, and M. du Chatellier, in excavating beneath a megalithic monument in Finistere, found a magnificent chain of gold.