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"'S'my opinion," said Moses, looking after her with a grin, "dat if de purfesser was here he 'd net her in mistook for a bufferfly. Dar! she's down!" he shouted, springing forward, but Nigel was before him. Winnie had tripped and fallen. "Are you hurt, dear child?" asked Nigel, raising her gently. "Oh no! only a little shaken," answered Winnie, with a little laugh that was half hysterical.

"'S'my opinion," said Moses, looking after her with a grin, "dat if de purfesser was here he'd net her in mistook for a bufferfly. Dar! she's down!" he shouted, springing forward, but Nigel was before him. Winnie had tripped and fallen. "Are you hurt, dear child?" asked Nigel, raising her gently. "Oh no! only a little shaken," answered Winnie, with a little laugh that was half hysterical.

"What a bootiful bufferfly you is, to be sure! up on sitch a place too, wid nuffin' to eat 'cept Krakatoa dust. I wonder what your moder would say if she know'd you was here. You should be ashamed ob yourself!" "Hallo! Moses, what are you talking to over there?" "Nuffin', Massa Nadgel. I was on'y habin' a brief conv'sation wid a member ob de insect wurld in commemoration ob de purfesser.

"What a bootiful bufferfly you is, to be sure! up on sitch a place too, wid nuffin' to eat 'cept Krakatoa dust. I wonder what your moder would say if she know'd you was here. You should be ashamed ob yourself!" "Hallo! Moses, what are you talking to over there?" "Nuffin', Massa Nadgel. I was on'y habin' a brief conv'sation wid a member ob de insect wurld in commemoration ob de purfesser.