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After lord Londonderry's attack on M. de Talleyrand, Lord Goderich said in the course of his speech: Another part of his noble friend's speech to which he desired to advert, was that which related to prince de Talleyrand, whom his noble friend had supposed to have great influence upon the councils of this country, and whom, proceeding on that supposition and upon certain parts of that illustrious person's past life, this noble friend has thought he was justified in pursuing with the most acrimonious animadversion although an ambassador from a friendly power.

I felt that the English government could not with property say any thing on the subject to the government of France; for a like reason I could not, in my place in parlement, advert to it; but I thought that, when I was standing as an individual on the hustings before my constituents, I might use the liberty of speech belonging to the occasion, in order to draw public attention to proceedings which I think it would be for the honour of France to put an end to; and if the public discussion which my speech produced shall have the effect of putting an end to a thousand part of the human misery which I dwelt upon, I am sure M. Guizot will forgive me for saying that I should not think that result too dearly purchased by giving offence to the oldest and dearest friend I may have in the world.