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In school he was particularly brilliant and showed remarkable aptitude in the study of Latin, rhetoric, and literature. These school days were interrupted once by a truant flight to the north of Spain, but at Astorga, near the ancestral estate of Vega, Lope, weary of the hardships of travel, turned back to Madrid.

No que el Maestro, en otras ocasiones, cultivase este ramo literario; pero su traducción de Called back, de Hugh Conway por la cual una casa editora le concedió, como gran generosidad, cien pesos , luego con brillante vestidura y el nombre de Misterio vendida por millares, y la versión suya, que talmente parece un original, amorosa y admirable, de Ramona de Hellen Hunt Jackson buscada en vano en las librerías , son prueba evidente de que a haber dispuesto de oportunidad y sosiego para ello, hubiera, también, triunfado en la Novela.

CHABREGY. Hasta entonces yo no había dado clase mas que a las medianas, a las back fish, que aun no tienen sexo, si me atrevo a expresarme así.

And all describe recent conditions, except the tale, partly historical and partly legendary, by Bécquer, which goes back to the invasion of Spain by the French under Napoleon in the early years of the nineteenth century; the story by Larra, which, however, is nearly as true of Castile to-day as it was when written; and Trueba's story, which is partly legendary, partly symbolic, and partly realistic.