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He sat down while I was talking, and as far as I could see heard never a word of what I said. Finally I talked myself out, and still he sat there as silent as a statue. "Ay tank Ay take a valk," he said at last, in the jerky way of the Norwegian; and he went out into the night.

"What time?" "It vas Sunday morning I seen heem, talkin' mit her." "With whom was he talking?" "Oh, he talk mit Ballards' girl Mees Betty. Down by der spring house I seen heem go, und he kiss her plenty I seen heem." "You are sure it was the prisoner you saw? You are sure it was not Peter Craigmile, Jr.?" "Sure it vas heem I saw. Craikmile's son, he vas lame, und valk by der crutch all time.

"Zee vidow is our only chanze. Hold up, mein vrow," said Scholtz, taking a firmer grasp of his wife, who, having leisure to think and look about her now, felt her heart begin to fail. "I know zee road vell," continued Scholtz. "It is bad, but I have zeen vurse. Ve must carry zee vimen. Zey could not valk."

But Valk and Menin were too old politicians to be caught in such a trap, and they produced a brief, drawn up in Italian the foreign language best understood by the Earl with his own corrections and interlineations, so that he was forced to admit that there had been no misconception. Leicester at last could no longer doubt that he was universally odious in the Provinces.

"Ladies and gentlemans, valk in, if you please," he said, to my great astonishment; "Vilhelmina and my good self make you velcome to our poor house. Vilhelmina, arise and say so." "Go to the back kitchen, Hans," replied Wilhelmina, whose name was "Betsy," "and don't come out until I tell you. You will find work to do there, and remember to pump up.

You vill eat mit us at the long table," he waved his hand indefinitely toward the dining-room, "at 12:30, and then I valk mit you over py der Obera House, und show you vat der is to be done mit dot scenery und dem trunks. Mein Gott! it vos vonderful dot muscles vot you haf got you vould make a great Davy Crockett ven I learns you de business, mein frient."

"Vell, so you come to town," said Tina. "Ya. Ay get a yob," said Bea. "Vell. . . . You got a fella now?" "Ya. Yim Yacobson." "Vell. I'm glat to see you. How much you vant a veek?" "Sex dollar." "There ain't nobody pay dat. Vait! Dr. Kennicott, I t'ink he marry a girl from de Cities. Maybe she pay dat. Vell. You go take a valk." "Ya," said Bea.

She took the gown and the four children to her home, where she lost no time in trying on the costume, which fitted her as perfectly as a flour-sack does a peck of potatoes. "Das beau tiful!" she exclaimed, in rapture, as she tried to see herself in a cracked mirror. "Ay go das very afternoon to valk in da park, for das man-folks go crazy-like ven he sees may fine frocks!"

'It'll only be walking exercise, observed Mr. Sponge; 'do him good. 'Better valk the chestnut, replied Mr. Leather; 'Multum-in-Parvo hasn't 'ad a good day this I don't know wen, and will be all the better of a bucketin'. 'But I hate crawling to cover on my horse, replied Mr. Sponge, who liked cantering along with a flourish.

Go away now and dell your men to coom dot house arount at halluff past dree. But YOU coom, mit yourselluff alone, shoost as if you vos spazieren gehen, for a valk, by dat fence at dree! Ven you shall dot front door vide open see, go in, and dere you vos! You vill der rest leef to me!"