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Dunk was one of his best customers. "Such a business!" went on Ikey, mocking himself. "It is ornaments, gentlemans! Beautiful ornaments from the Flowery Kingdom. Such vawses such vawses! Is it not, my friend Hashmi Yatta?" and he appealed to the Japanese. "Of a surely they are beautiful," murmured the little yellow lad.

"Milors and Gentlemans!" commences the Frenchman, elevating his eyebrows and shrugging his shoulders.

"Shiss, I tell you to be sure I won't he thried her afore, though." "Nonsense! no he didn't." "Ah, ha! ay dhin an' she milked well too a good cow a brave cheehony she was for him." "An' why did he give it up?" "Fwhy fwhy, afeard he'd be diskivered, to be sure; an' dhin shure he couldn't hunt wid de dinnaousais wid de gentlemans." "An' what if he's discovered now?"

"My friend Mr. Oldbuck will now be prepared, Mr. Dousterswivel, to listen with more respect to the stories you have told us of the late discoveries in Germany by the brethren of your association." "Ah, Sir Arthur, that was not a thing to speak to those gentlemans, because it is want of credulity what you call faith that spoils the great enterprise."

"Ah, ha!" he said, "I heard one good reedel ze ozer day. A leetle mees at one of my academies told it me. Young ladies, why is ze old gentlemans, le diable, zat is " "O-oh! Monsieur Parole!" ejaculated Miss Pimpernell. "Your pardon, Mees Peemple," said Monsieur Parole he never could give her the additional syllable to her name "Your pardon, Mees Peemple; but we wiz call hims somesing else.

For this earle was the stocke and maine root of all that were left aliue called by the name of Persie; and of manie more by diuerse slaughters dispatched. For whose misfortune the people were not a little sorrie, making report of the gentlemans valiantnesse, renowne, and honour, and applieng vnto him certeine lamentable verses out of Lucane, saieng;

"Because I not like run de risk to go ashore all for what? to go back, boil de kettle for all gentlemans I very happy here, Massa," replied Mesty carelessly. "And I am very miserable," replied Jack; "but, however, I am completely in your power, Mesty, and I must, I suppose, submit."

Oscar was left to break the awkward silence. He spoke to Grosse. "I won't disturb you and your patient now," he said. "I will come back in an hour's time." "No! you will come in along with me, if you please. I have something, my young gentlemans, that I may want to say to you." He spoke with a frown on his bushy eyebrows, and pointed in a very peremptory manner to the house-door.

Also, the barons had derived keen enjoyment from my honest suggestion, that the 'gentlemans'' best show is to discover the discoverer, and prevail upon the latter, per medium of fire-water and blarney, to affix his illegible signature to some expropriating document.

From the pocket of the last to respond protruded the unmistakable cover of a dime-novel. Him the professor seized first, and having gravely examined his head, announced, "Ladees and gentlemans, for this boy I predict a great future. Never have I seen such sign of literary taste. Yes, he will be great unless he go west to kill ze Indian, and ze Indian see him first."