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And as England cultivates those golden, if sometimes wrinkled, fruits, it would have seemed to him, in thinking about it, an entirely lucky thing for the finder; while a question of blood would have fired his veins to rival heat of self-assertion, very loftily towering: there were Kings in Ireland: cry for one of them in Uladh and you will hear his name, and he has descendants yet!

From the cliffs of Antrim we can see on any clear day the Sea of Moyle and the bonnie blue hills of Scotland, divided from Ulster at this point by only twenty miles of sea path. The Irish or Gaels or Scots of 'Uladh' often crossed in their curraghs to this lovely coast of Alba, then inhabited by the Picts.

And as England cultivates those golden, if sometimes wrinkled, fruits, it would have seemed to him, in thinking about it, an entirely lucky thing for the finder; while a question of blood would have fired his veins to rival heat of self-assertion, very loftily towering: there were Kings in Ireland: cry for one of them in Uladh and you will hear his name, and he has descendants yet!

There was a certain wicked man in the country of Uladh i.e., Magh-Inis at that time, an impious man, and a son of death i.e., Mac Cuill who was plundering and killing the people. On one occasion Patrick and his companions passed by him a certain day, and he desired to kill Patrick.

Naisi, son of Conor, king of Uladh, had fled with Deirdre, daughter of Phelim, the king's story-teller, to a sea-girt islet on Lough Etive, where they lived happily by the chase. Naisi's two brothers went with them, and thus the three sons of Usnach were all in Alba.

Foilge died at once, and went to hell. As to Foilge Ross, indeed, it is his children who are in the district at this day; and Patrick blessed him, and from him is the sovereignty of the district filled for ever. On one occasion, as Patrick was going the way of Midluachair, in order to come to Uladh, he met carpenters cutting down trunks of yew.