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I did cry till 'im, I min' weel, but it was my reelin' brain an' no my trustin' hert 'at cried. Aih me! I doobt gien the Lord war to come to me noo, he wadna fin' muckle faith i' my pairt o' the yerth. Aih! I wad like to lat him see something like lippenin'! I wad fain trust him till his hert's content. But I doobt it's only speeritual ambeetion, or better wad hae come o' 't by this time.

We had been havin' a hard spell of weather, but there come a week when conditions on the trail were much better an' we were reelin' off the miles in great shape. I hadn't a place on my map for about sixty miles, when in the distance I saw a little hut, just in the fringe of some stunted cottonwoods and some scraggy willows, for we were not far from the timber limit.

"Why, we yarned about Phil, and where I'd get the legacy to-morrow; and I s'pose I had a strong breeze on the quarter, for I talked as free as if we'd grubbed out of the same dough-pan since we was kiddies." "Yes?" "Yes siree; I don't know how it was, but I got to reelin' off about Jo queer, wasn't it?

Smethwick was fair reelin' drunk, and Curbison and t' girl were a-houldin' on to him, to keep him fra fallin'; and then, after a bit, he puts his arm round the girl t' stiddy hisself, and that fashion they goes off, right oop t' public street He continued to unload the packages, and to carry them mechanically one by one into the house.

Yes, sar, reelin', as if he'd took too much. I b'lieve in a drink when you are dry, but Lord land, whar's the sense of reelin'? I don't see it, do you?" The stranger said he didn't and the Georgian went on, now in a lower, confidential voice. "I actually hearn that this chap, what the deuce was his name? Have you an idee? He was from the North?"

Mary sprang toward her, but the stronger woman hurried her away from the spot. "Come; take up the little one 'thout wakin' her. Three more of 'em's a-passin'. The little young feller in the middle reelin' and swayin' in his saddle, and t'others givin' him water from his canteen." "Wounded?" asked Mary, with a terrified look, bringing the sleeping child.

I can see all that horrible battle-field with the reelin' men, the flames, the smoke, the burstin' shells, an', oh, God my John! Will he ever, ever come back to me?" "There, there, Mis' McGuire, I jest wouldn't " But Mrs. McGuire, with a shake of her head, and her eyes half covered with her hand, turned away and stumbled out of the kitchen. Susan, looking after her, drew a long sigh.

So I guess likely we'll let Lute sign on and wait till later to find out whether he's an able seaman or a a " He hesitated, groping for a simile. Mr. Winslow supplied one. "Or a leak," he suggested. "Yes, that's it. Say, have you heard anything from Leander Babbitt lately?" "No, nothin' more than Gab Bearse was reelin' off last time he was in here. How is Phin Babbitt? Does he speak to you yet?"

'Yewmer 's that 'ar' 'diction 't Job had, ain't it? says I, and pathers thar' ye've kind o' got me, says I, ''less maybe it 's some fancy New York way o' reelin' off pertaters, says I. 'No, no, young woman, thinks I to myself, 'ye don't git in no kile on me!" The nervine lozenge which my friend had cautiously refrained from giving Miss Langham he now bestowed upon me.

"Then Harvey, he had hold o' me, a pintin' out, and whether he spoke a word or not, I seen it through wind and rain and foam, all in my eyes to once, I seen reelin' and tossin' and pitching out thar' on the Bay, lost, lost for sure I seen that fancy ship! "Thar' wa'n't no hand on 'arth could guide it, now.