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And now, now " the Superintendent's voice went suddenly a little hoarse, "and now here's Miss Malgregor intriguing to get an automobile ride with you!" "Eh?" cried the Senior Surgeon with a jump. "What? Is this an Insane Asylum? Is it a Nervine?" Madly he started for the door. "Order a ton of bromides!" he called back over his shoulder. "Order a car-load of them!

I went often to Captain Leezur; the nervine lozenges were potent. "We all'as dew neighbor a great deal in winter," said he approvingly, stretching those dear felts before the blaze. "Is that a piece of the log we used to sit on?" I inquired mournfully. "Wal, neow! I r'a'ly believe ye feel a kind o' heart-leanin' to'ds her, don't ye?" "How can I help it?"

I accepted a nervine lozenge, and we braced ourselves firmly on the log, placid, but set, against all resistance, not to be great! I heered how 't you took a lot o' noos-sheets." "It is fine. He is making for himself a name in your politics, and at the same time there 's the old fire in him, flashing out over conventions; one can almost hear him laugh.

"And here I be, right in the same place, ilein' of 'er ag'in!" he cried, struck with joyful surprise at such a phenomena of coincidence. "Set deown! why, sartin ye must! I carn't let ye go." Oh, the taste, sweeter than ancient wine, of that nervine lozenge once more! The time was weary while I was away. Now that I am back again, it seems as nothing.

The remainder, five in number, are the opium alkaloids, which act generally upon the whole system, but particularly, in their immediate phenomena, upon the brain. I mention them in the ascending order of their nervine power; narcotin; codein; opianin; metamorphia, and morphia.

So, with a glad view to moderating my disposition, I sat with Captain Leezur and the little girl on the log, and ate soiled nervine lozenges, tinctured originally with such primal medicaments as catnip and thoroughwort; and whether from that source or not, yet peace did descend upon me like a river. As I finally rose to go

How many good opportunities have passed, never to return, while a man was sipping a "social glass," with his friend! How many foolish bargains have been made under the influence of the "nervine," which temporarily makes its victim think he is rich.

And you, my children dear, adieu! Farewell! farewell to thee! Adieu! farewell! adieu! "Were you looking for your handkerchief, sir?" "Yes," said I, accidentally swallowing whole a nervine lozenge which Captain Leezur had given me. "This," said Captain Judah, with an expressive smile, as he opened another roll, "if you will excuse the egotism, refers to an experience of my own.

And now we suffer from "Americanitis" in all its unlimited varieties. Doctors study it; nerve medicines arise on every side; nervine hospitals establish themselves; and rest-cures innumerable spring up in all directions, but the root of the matter is so comparatively simple that in general it is overlooked entirely.

It has a nervine property, by which it excites the nervous system inordinately, and exhilarates the brain. It has a stimulating property, by which it inordinately excites the muscular motions, and the actions of the heart and blood-vessels. It has a narcotic property. The operation of this property is to suspend the nervous energies, and soothe and stupefy the subject.