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The climax is reached when Mathilde at last gives way to her passion, and throws herself into the arms of Julien, who forces himself to make no response: Ses bras se roidirent, tant l'effort imposé par la politique était pénible. Je ne dois pas même me permettre de presser contre mon coeur ce corps souple et charmant; ou elle me méprise, ou elle me maltraite. Quel affreux caractère!

To those who cannot look down a sheer precipice many hundred feet deep without a tendency to giddiness, there is danger in this escalade, as well as in passing over some smooth projecting shoulders of rocks. The climb is, in truth, most arduous 'bien pénible, as my guide said. My chaussure was sadly against me thin-soled boots, which doubled under me.

Gatien had announced from afar. To the disappointment of old Grandchamp, Cinq-Mars would not enter the town, but proceeded on his way, and five days later he entered, with his escort, the old city of Loudun in Poitou, after an uneventful journey. Je m'avancais d'un pas penible et mal assure vers le but de ce convoi tragique. NODIER, 'Smarra'.

He had small personal acquaintance with Polpier itself: the steepness of the coombs in which it lay was penible to a man of his weight: yet, albeit by hearsay, he knew the inner workings of the small town, being interested in the circumstances of all his neighbours, vividly charitable towards them, and at the same time no fool in judging.

«§ 640. On peut du Prieuré monter au sommet du Bréven et redescendre dans le même jour, mais c'est une course pénible, car il faut au moins cinq heures pour monter, et la pente est extrêmement rapide. On peut cependant faire

If you read, Monsieur Marin, you shall see la vraie poésie! Not de big book and no single rhyme Sair, I do not vish to say vat is penible, mais it is not one book widout rhyme; it was not écrit on de sea. Le diable! que le vrai génie, et les nobles sentiments, se trouvent dans ce livre, la!" "Ay, I see it is a log-book, for every man to note his mind in.

Enfin regardons la situation actuelle comme penible, mais pas du tout permanente. Tu peux compter que du moment ou je le pourrai je quitterai la Revue; j'y suis bien decide." After this letter, my husband, feeling much better, came back to London to resume his work, and wrote about what he thought most important or most interesting to me.

Tout doit tendre au Bon Sens: mais pour y parvenir Le chemin est glissant et penible a tenir. 'Art. Poetique', chant 1. And again, Aux depens du Bon Sens gardez de plaisanter. 'Art. He wrote, as a youth, odes, songs, a tragedy, and part of a romance.

Je voudrais aller la voir de suite, mais je suis tellement retenu par mon travail; et puis le bon arrangement de ce travail et son heureux succes m'avaient fait regagner un peu ma serenite d'esprit, et maintenant je souffre de nouveau pour mon oncle et ma tante. Vraiment c'est penible d'etre la avec son dernier enfant qui s'en va si vite.

The Discoveries of the World, from their original to 1555, translated from the Portuguese, by R. Hackluyt. London, 1610. 4to. Funnell's Voyage round the World. London, 1607. 8vo. In Harris, vol. 1. Description du penible Voyage fait autour de l'Univers. Par O. du Nord. Amsterdam, 1602, in folio. This is translated from the Dutch. An English translation is given in Harris, vol.1.