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Again, some were wholly hostile. They were the "belly-crawlers," as Geordie Sinclair had once dubbed them at a meeting, those who "kept in" with the management by carrying tales, and generally acting as traitors to the other men. "No, I'll no' gi'e ye onythin'," would be the reply; "he can just be like me an' gang an' work for his bairns. Forby, look at yon stuck-up baggage o' a wife o' his.

If yo have a sweet tooth an it's t' way wi moast gells I conno see as it can be onythin else but Providence as gave it yo. So get yorsel soom bull's-eyes, Louie, an an' he looked a little conscious as he slipped the coin into her eager hand 'doan't let on ti your aunt! She'd think mebbe I wor spoilin your teeth, or summat, an, Louie Was Uncle Reuben gone mad?

"A' wud gie onythin' tae say Annie has a chance, but a' daurna; a' doot yir gaein' to lose her, Tammas." MacLure was in the saddle, and, as he gave his judgment, he laid his hand on Tammas's shoulder with one of the rare caresses that pass between men. "It's a sair business, but ye 'ill play the man and no vex Annie; she 'ill dae her best, a' 'll warrant."

"Noo we 've tae begin, an' we 'ill no be dune for an' 'oor, and ye 've tae lay on without stoppin' till a' come for ye; an' a' 'll shut the door tae haud in the noise, an' keep yir dog beside ye, for there maunna be a cheep aboot the house for Annie's sake." "A' 'll dae onythin' ye want me, but if if "

Decent folks wouldn't have nought to say to me. I'd as soon go cocklin' as do onythin' else an' I couldn't do wi' shoes an' stockin's." "Didn't you ever go to school?" "Nay, scarce at all. We was wonderful clever 'bout that. We shifted an' shifted an' gi'ed 'em all th' slip." "Don't you go to church on Sundays?" "Eh dear!

Duncan went straight to the lower camp, and calling McLean aside, repeated the conversation verbatim, ending: "And nae matter what happens now or ever, dinna ye dare let onythin' make ye believe that Freckles hasna guarded faithful as ony man could." "I don't think anything could shake my faith in the lad," answered McLean. Freckles was whistling merrily. He kept one eye religiously on the line.

If Lauzanne's satisfied with him he can roide onythin'." When Allis, who was now Al Mayne, the boy, came around and back to the paddock, she slipped quietly from the horse, loitered carelessly about for a few minutes, and then made her way back to Dixon's quarters. Nobody had paid any attention to the modest little boy.

What's that?" he ejaculated in horror-laden accents, starting back. "What, Davie?" cried the girl, shrinking up to him all in a tremble. "Couldna say for sure. It mought be owt, or agin it mought be nowt. But yo' grip my arm, I'll grip yo' waist." Maggie demurred. "Canst see onythin'?" she asked, still in a flutter. "Be'ind the 'edge." "Wheer?" "Theer! " pointing vaguely. "I canna see nowt."

Puir body's sicht's nae fit fir sic wark; an' A mauna pairt wi' him the noo. An ye henna onythin' firbye birrkittin', we maun gang fairther ava." He resumed his swag. I made a sign, perceptible only to Moriarty, and the latter hesitated a moment.

If ye notice, she never tells any thin' to anybody; but she lets ye carry the notion in your mind that she's in great straits. She's a cute one, Nellie." "Weel, Nellie does keep hersel' to hersel'," admitted Peter. "She's no' given to clashin' and claverin' about the doors like some o' the rest o' the women; but I canna' for the life o' me see where she can be onythin' but ill aff at this time."