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These things could not fail to engender some discontent, and presently a much graver cause for dissatisfaction presented itself. Fujiwara Kanezane, minister of the Right, memorialized the Court in the sense that, as Antoku had left the capital, another occupant to the throne should be appointed, in spite of the absence of the regalia. No valid reason existed for such a precipitate step.

Even while Honen Shonin yet walked in this world, there issued from his body rays of a golden shining, and this, so it is said, hath Kanezane Fujiwara beheld with his own eyes. The people passed it from mouth to mouth that this Honen Shonin was the living incarnation of Doshaku Zenji, or yet again of Zendo Daishi.

A strong force of troops was placed at his disposal, and efficient means of speedy communications between the east and the west were organized. Fujiwara Kanezane was the first occupant of this post. These important steps were taken early in 1186.

The second and third sons of Michiiye, grandson of Kanezane, founded the houses of Nijo and Ichijo, respectively; while Kanehira, the second of two grandsons of Motomichi, established the house of Takatsukasa. The arrangement led to frequent strife with resulting weakness, thus excellently achieving the purpose of its contrivers, the Hojo.

It has already been related how, by Yoritomo's contrivance, the post of family descended from Fujiwara Kanezane and scions of the Konoe family descended from Fujiwara Motomichi. This system was subsequently extended at the instance of the Hojo.