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"Well, Handy, me b'y," replied Barney, "it's me proivate opinion, which Oi don't moind publicly ixprissing, thot they're plannin' mischief." "Yaw, I pets me your boots you vos righd. Dey don'd haf their headts togeder near vor nottings, py shimminy!" "Oi'd loike to take th' spalpanes by th' ears an' rap their hids togither wance," declared the Irish lad. "Oi'd make thim see stars."

Close to the shore there was a flat rock, to which, as they approached it, their attention was drawn by the appearance of what seemed to be living creatures of some sort. Quin and Robin Tips, sitting on the raft, naturally saw them first. "I do belave it's men, for they're liftin' their hids an' lookin' at us. Av it was the South Says, now, I'd say they was saviges peepin' at us over the rocks."

"I sees all de hids as I comes up de road dis marnin'. Twinty more mule hims 'xpec' for come in de morrer mornin'." "You don't mane it!" said Ted. "They seem to be free of their heads away at Tunis. But there's more noos than that," continued the seaman, calmly scanning the seaward horizon, as he filled his pipe.

Thin we knew where Lungtungpen was; for we had hit the river-wall av it in the dhark, an' the whole town blazed wid thim messin' jingles an' Sniders like a cat's back on a frosty night. They was firin' all ways at wanst, but over our hids into the shtrame. "'Have you got your rifles? sez Brazenose. 'Got 'em! sez Orth'ris.

Jis' to think of their saaing four pair of legs dancing over their hids, not to spake of the dog that could come in by way of dessart." "O Tim! keep still, it is too dreadful!" "Worrah! it wasn't meself that introduced the subject, but as yez have got started, I've no objection to continue the same." "Let us try and talk about something more pleasant "

Then he bit it, spun it in the air, caught it in his left hand and brought his great right palm down on it with a bang. "Hids or tails!" cried Ginnell. "Hids I win, tails you lose." He gave a coarse laugh as he opened his palm, where the coin lay tail up. "Hids it is," he cried, then he tossed it back into the bag and rose to his feet.

Elise entered with smiling face, and curtsied to the young men, who advanced and shook her heartily by the hand. "Hould their hids, Mister Kenneth," exclaimed the driver of the foremost sleigh, as he sought to undo the traces of the dogs. "Sure they're all alike horses or dogs, they never will lay still when they're wanted to; bad luck to 'em intirely. Me heart is all but broke.

Much impressed with the child's eager manner, the Irishman hurried towards the point of rocks, filled with curiosity as to what the creatures could be. "What sort o' hids have they, darlint?" he asked, as he neared the point. "Hids same as mans, and faces like you, but more uglier, all scratched over, an' dey try to catch me, but me runned away."

Wid Bobs an' a few three-year-olds, I'd swape any army av the earth into a towel, an' throw it away aftherward. Faith, I'm not jokin'! Tis the bhoys the raw bhoys that don't know fwhat a bullut manes, an' wudn't care av they did that dhu the work. They're crammed wid bull-mate till they fairly ramps wid good livin'; and thin, av they don't fight, they blow each other's hids off.

"Now then, Chok and Ram," said Rooney, sitting down on a stool and making the two men stand before him like a small awkward squad, "I'm goin' to taich you about pumps an' pumpin', so pay attintion av ye plaze. Hids up an' ears on full cock! Now then."