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Look at this place, fairly topsy-turvy with their hunt! Faith! The room is before you. Look and see!" and with a great indifference he went on with his devotions. "Similes illis fiant qui faciunt ea " "Some one here before us?" interrupted an Englishman with some suspicion.

Of those plays which border on the sentimental the best is the Captivi, which the poet himself recommends to the audience on the score of its good moral lesson, adding with truth "Huiusmodi paucas poetae reperiunt comoedias Ubi boni meliores fiant." We are told that Plautus took the greatest pleasure in his Pseudolus, which was also the work of his old age.

* Per lumen gloriæ intelligitur qualitas creata, et habitus virtusque intellectualis supernaturalis, ac per se infusa intellectui, qua redditur proxime potens et habilis ad videndum Deum.... Ita D. Thomas, sicque ratione probatur: Ut virtutes infusæ requiruntur, ut eorum actus fiant connaturali modo, nempe a principio intrinseco et proportionato, ita etiam lumen ut fiat visio.

These two sorts of men move in the same direction, though in a different place. They both move with the order of the universe. They all know or feel this great ancient truth: "Quod illi principi et præpotenti Deo qui omnem hunc mundum regit nihil eorum quæ quidem fiant in terris acceptius quam concilia et coetus hominum jure sociati quæ civitates appellantur."

"Little, as you see, but quite enough for us two. Now, take the easy-chair, old fellow, and let's have another look at you! Well, you do look a bit pulled down!" and he put on a solemn professional air. "I prescribe Ozone, quant. suff. Social dissipation, fiant pilulae quam plurimae: to be taken, feasting, three times a day!" "But, Doctor!" I remonstrated.

"Nam facile est dicere, fiant scripture completae de scientiis, sed nunquam fuerunt apud Latinos aliquae condignae, nec fient, nisi aliud consilium habeatur. Et nullus sufficeret ad hoc, nisi dominus papa, vel imperator, aut aliquis rex magnificus, sicut est dominus rex Franciae.

Then that of the medical profession would be, Fiant pilulae, et pereat mundus, which would be the easiest to carry out. Phil. Heaven forbid! Everything must be taken cum grano salis. Demop. Exactly; and it is just for that reason that I want you to accept religion cum grano salis, and to see that the needs of the people must be met according to their powers of comprehension.

But before we come to show particularly what princes may do, and what they may not do, in making laws about things ecclesiastical, we will first of all lay down these propositions following:— Whatsoever the power of princes be in things and causes ecclesiastical, it is not, sure, absolute nor unbounded. And again, Vis tuam voluntatem esse regulam rerum omnium, ut omnia fiant pro uuo beneplacito?

A proof of this is preserved in the epilogue of the -Captivi- of Plautus: -Spectators, ad pudicos mores facta haec fabulast. Neque in hoc subigitationes sunt neque ulla amatio Nec pueri suppositio nec argenti circumductio, Neque ubi amans adulescens scortum liberet clam suum patrem. Huius modi paucas poetae reperiunt comoedias, Ubi boni meliores fiant.

Upon that hill the enemy of hell bare our Lord and tempted him, and said, DIC UT LAPIDES ISTI PANES FIANT; that is to say, 'Say, that these stones be made loaves. In that place, upon the hill, was wont to be a fair church; but it is all destroyed, so that there is now but an hermitage, that a manner of Christian men hold, that be clept Georgians, for Saint George converted them.